Sunday, August 13, 2006

Bridges and man-made islands.


From Estates Gazette of the 29th July the following story appears. Now the reason I put this in is because I live in a place called Thanet. For all I know you might be reading this in Shanghai so a quick bit of Geography. Thanet was an island around a thousand years a go split from the mainland (England) by a channel similar to that which seperates an island called Sheppey about 40 miles west of us off the North Kent coast in south-east England. On the Isle of Sheppey is a place called Sheerness. Across the Thames Estuary, heading north is the county of Essex and another place called Shoeburyness. To get from East Kent (Thanet) (where I live) to Essex is at present a pain as it means heading into the outskirts of London and crossing via a tunnel at Dartford.

So from Estates Gazette we learn that 'Plans for a new national park, a river crossing and new towns built on man-made islands on the Thames that "tie in with future climate issues" will be presented to the government by Sir Terry Farrell next month. The plans include an ambitious 5.6-mile river crossing between Sheerness in Kent and Shoeburyness in Essex, and islands that will be developed as mixed-use communities. Eugene Dreyer, urban design director at Terry Farrell & Partners, said"It ties in with ways of coping with future climate issues. Projects on this scale cost several billion pounds. Prising that out of the Treasury would be difficult, so we add an economic benefit - namely development on the islands." Earlier this year Farrell formed a consortium with Experian, HBOS, Battle McCarthy, Scott Wilson, the Future Foundation and EC Harris.

Taken from Estates Gazette. &


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