Monday, August 21, 2006

Deputy PM, is he, isn't he?

From today's Daily doubt in other papers too, we learn of the concern that Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott may have a conflict of interest since his son Johnathan Prescott runs a company by the name of Estate Partnerships. Estate Partnerships is paid by property firms to identify strategic land whose value would soar if the Government grants planning permission. Now you either believe that John Prescott as Deputy PM has the highest of integrity and is no way involved in assisting his son or he's nodding and winking his son all the way to the bank. Whatever the truth of the matter in some European countries no one would give this a second thought much the same as no one does when a MP is generally rumoured to be running a mistress off somewhere. The fact remains however that in the UK we're not too keen on that kind of behavior and integrity is the cornerstone of officaldom. I am suprised this hasn't been reported on sooner as it is well known that the DPM's son is involved in the identification of land for development and the Deputy PM has errr been at the forefront of pushing through revised planning laws to ensure housing targets are met! Read the story here:
Daily Mirror


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